[Here comes the Bride]
Kitchen class before the wedding
POSTED BY Mother Queen ON 2 June 2014 / 0 COMMENTS
Real Weddings -Alan and Giorgia’s friends and relatives in Italy-

Two days before the Wedding, friends from the US, Finland, Germany, France, Denmark arrived in town. One of the best times they had was at the Italian Kitchen Course, held by a wonderful Italian chef, Annalisa, our “Chef in Tacchi a Spillo” (High Heels Chef).

Italian food class before the wedding

Lasagne, pasta, ragù are not secrets anymore

Kitchen class before the wedding

Pasta for lsagne 10388489_10202135222923384_1016590768_n Filling Green Tortelli Eggs Pasta Tortelli arre ready the funniest way to wait for the wedding Ragù class
